Le PM Ariel Henry ose dire la vérité concernant sa discussion avec des responsables russes

Le PM Ariel Henry n’a pas sollicité l’aide de mercenaires russes, selon un officiel du gouvernement cité par le Miami Herald

Des documents émanant du Pentagone ayant fuité laissent croire que des mercenaires russes du groupe Wagner seraient dans les portes de l’Amérique, particulièrement Haïti, selon ce rapporte certains médias américains.

Présent dans certains pays en Afrique sur demande officielle gouvernementale, les médias américains se demandaient si le gouvernement actuel avait sollicité l’intervention de ce corps paramilitaire russe en vue d’aider à combattre l’insécurité en Haïti.

Le journal floridien Miami Herald, dans un article sur le sujet, rapporte que des informations recueillies par la DEA affirment qu’à la fin du mois de février, des membres du groupe Wagner « prévoyaient de se rendre discrètement en Haïti pour évaluer le potentiel de contrats avec le gouvernement haïtien pour lutter contre gangs locaux. »

Cependant, le Miami Herald rapporte qu’un haut responsable du gouvernement haïtien a déclaré au journal que le Premier ministre Ariel Henry ne s’était jamais entretenu avec avec des représentants du groupe paramilitaire pro-Poutine ou aucun autre responsable russe.

Selon ce responsable haïtien, Henry n’a jamais formulé aucune demande d’aide ni au gouvernement russe ni au groupe Wagner dans sa quête d’intervention d’une force internationale en Haïti en vue de combattre les gangs armés.

Nous suivrons de près le développement de ce dossier et vous apporterons les mises à jour au moment opportun.


One thought on “Le PM Ariel Henry ose dire la vérité concernant sa discussion avec des responsables russes

  1. The Organization for the Defense of Human Rights and the Protection of the Environment (ODDHPE) is shedding all its tears as it sees that the sons and daughters of our dear Haiti are about to be destroyed by a great conspiracy between the international and the leaders of this said country. This Machiavellian plan of asphyxiation in order to be able to destabilize Haiti, this plot was set in motion in 1804 by the Western powers against the latter for having derogated from the international order of the time. Even today, Haiti is living, undergoing and being victimized by the international political mafia which provokes, in agreement with the public and private authorities as well as the bands armed by the international financial mafia, with the sole aim of extirpating categorically the Haitian people. By sequestering the population, more specifically the most vulnerable. It is an obvious fact that jumps to the eyes.

    Unlike a classic siege in the context of conflicts between two States where the enemy develops a set of actions with a view to seizing a fortified place or a strategic position, this is a grid, to be more specific, throughout the country by armed groups who ransom, kidnap, rape, rob, kill and massacre the Haitian population as they see fit under the complacent eyes of the Haitian authorities and the passive, if not complicit, eyes of the international community having for their representative in Haiti, bodies and groups to be precise, Madame Lalurme, who directly represents the Clinton family and the brother of Hillary Clinton, she controls political leaders, the government, the media, social networks, the private sectors , organizations and associations, NGOs as well as gangs planned for specific purposes. Who, despite the gravity of the situation, has not considered any lasting solution to get the country out of this critical and deadly situation. All the exits of the country are blocked; this is a true hostage-taking scenario.

    The problem is getting worse and worse; every day the situation becomes more serious. The State, as a state body holding the monopoly of the legitimate use of physical force, admits defeat by suicidal and revolting police operations, such as those of Village-de-Dieu at the bicentenary, there is about a year, in Pétion-Ville about 3 days ago, in Liancourt, Artibonite department, and so on, resulted in massacres: 4 police officers from the specialized SWAT unit and 10 other administrative police officers were murdered by armed gangs controlled by…!

    There is no doubt that what is happening today in Haiti, precisely in the metropolitan areas, is part of a well-concocted plan to cause genocide through famine, shortage of drinking water, civil war and large-scale massacre on the Haitian population, in order to accept a military intervention in the country which will allow an international facility to better exploit the wealth of the country. According to the latest report from the Bureau of Mines and Energy, on the mining potential of Haiti, is very edifying on the riches of the Haitian subsoil. Haiti conceals in its basement wealth that could be worth up to 200 billion US dollars (Concertation pour Haïti, June 2015). This would imply that the country has enough resources to develop without international aid. Are these riches not the cause of the destabilization of the country and the confrontation of armed gangs and the trafficking of humans and human organisms? Don’t the master great powers claiming to be from Haiti seek to seize these riches by the extermination of the Haitian people?

    Despite the fact that Haiti is a founding member of the United Nations (UN) and the Organization of American States (OAS). So, the massacre of the Haitian people that is preparing will not be new. Haitian people, it is up to us to remember “unity is strength”. May God bless Haiti and bless the Haitian people!

    Kesnel Charles,
    General Coordinator

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